The purpose of this project is to upskill four rivers trusts around the Lough Neagh Landscape in standardised river assessment and survey techniques to produce baseline evidence and target action plans for the improvements of these rivers and Lough Neagh. The main outputs will be to provide up to 300 upskilling/training opportunities for volunteers in areas such as First Aid and River Safety, Small streams habitat assessment, Electrofishing (to assess fish stocks), Fisheries Management Planning, Biological Water quality assessment and Invasive plant identification and control planning. Volunteers will use these skills to undertake essential ‘health’ assessments on four rivers helping us to understand the pressures of the rivers and identify the causes and sources of problems associated with the Lough and to address these issues in the long term. It will also use the valuable recorded information for future scientific research and share it with Cedar and NIEA. The four main rivers which have associated rivers trusts will include the Ballinderry River, The Maine River, The Blackwater River and the Six Mile Water River. The main outcomes will include a better understanding of the links between the Lough and the River, increased fish conservation, recorded fisheries and species data which will help with the future Lough Neagh Fisheries Management Plan, and better control of invasive species.
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