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An overview of our projects

Saving Nature around Lough Neagh
The basis of the project is to restore protect over 500 hectares of bog and wet grassland in prime sites around the shores of Lough Neagh.
Litter-less Lough
One of the main problems associated with the Lough’s Landscape is litter, flotsam and jetsam on the shores of the Lough.
Barn Owl Box Project
10 internal and 10 tree mounted Barn Owl nesting boxes to address the decline in barn owls in the Antrim Lough shore area.
Lough Neagh Archaeology
This is the biggest built heritage project which will be overseen and managed by the Lough Neagh Partnership itself.
Cranfield Ancient Site
The site has great views over the Lough and is of both Christian and pre-Christian historical significance.
Back to Earth at Turmoyra Farm
Turmoyra Farm is a traditional farmstead located near the southern shores of Lough Neagh currently managed for biodiversity by Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Council.
A Song from the Lough Shore
This project is managed by the Geordie Hanna Traditional Singing Society (GHTSS).
Castlebay Wetland Park and Cultural Project
Brocagh and District Regeneration Group (Badger) plan to develop the Castlebay site for cultural and environmental studies.
South Lough Neagh Heritage Apple and Native Tree Project
The basis of this proposal is to raise awareness of the heritage of unique trees and fruits that grow in the South Lough Neagh Landscape by working with five local schools.

A Film of The Folklore of Liban
The basis of this proposal is to film and record the specific Lough Neagh geography associated with the ancient story of Liban the water goddess of Lough Neagh.
Liban book
This project is a matching project to the Liban Film. It will involve an illustrated book exploring the ancient origin-myth of Lough Neagh and Liban the water goddess/mermaid
Antrim Lough Shore Park Heritage
The Lough Shore Park in Antrim is about to be transformed with a new Lough Neagh Gateway Centre.
Toome Lock House and Sand Quay
This project is the biggest community-based project within the Lough shore Landscape program and comprises the transfer and conversion of an old Waterways Ireland lock house and adjoining large sand quay to a waterways heritage facility with cafe.
Ardboe Cross to Battery Harbour Access Route
This project aims to establish a new shoreline pathway (outside ASSI) from the historic Ardboe High Cross to the Battery Harbour.
Washingbay Access to Nature and Water
Muintir na Mointeach which is a local community group based on the shores of Lough Neah wish to create a local nature walkway through scrub and infill at a brownfield shore site to emerge onto a beach traditionally used at the Washing Bay.
Lough Neagh Heritage Tours
The benefits will be to showcase the heritage of Lough Neagh to a large international audience, and brand and celebrate the Lough Neagh Landscape to a wider audience.
Lough Neagh Eel Visitor Centre
The aim of this project is to develop a major heritage exhibition & visitors centre in the Lough Neagh Eel Fisheries Building at Toome bridge.
Volunteer and Apprenticeship Programme
The aim of the project is to provide a skills base for the management of protected sites in the Lough Neagh area. Because the Lough and its surrounds encompass a number of designations.

River Trust Volunteer Training Programme
The purpose of this project is to up skill four rivers trusts around the Lough Neagh Landscape in standardised river assessment and survey techniques to produce baseline evidence and target action plans for the improvements of these rivers and Lough Neagh.
People and Hedges make biodiversity
This is a project to engage and involve volunteers in the provision and restoration of over 1km of hedge at various sites throughout the ABC Council area.
Antrim and Newtownabbey District Council will hold a Wildlife recording event over a 24-hour period, with walks and events to involve the local public.
In Search of the Cryptic Wood White
This project intends to establish the distribution of the Cryptic Wood White Butterfly in the north Lough Neagh Wetlands area. It will work in partnership with Butterfly Conservation NI to engage and train local volunteers to carry out annual survey work over 5 years.
Six Mile Water “Surface Tension”
The basis of this innovative proposal is to create a sound album of the Six-Mile Water river using field recording, photography and words to “explore life and biodiversity along the Six Mile Water and Lough Neagh shoreline.
Protecting Heritage by Enriching Future Generations
This programme of small heritage projects run by Glenavy Youth Club and Glenavy Community Association will capture the rich heritage of Glenavy and surrounding areas adjacent to Lough Neagh focussing on education and engagement with young people.
Lough Neagh Heritage Signage Programme
This is the third biggest project in the Lough Neagh Landscape Partnership Scheme. It will be self-implemented by the Landscape Team and will provide a comprehensive loop of heritage information, directional and promotion signs all around the Lough.