Curlew monitoring officer in the south west of Lough Neagh


Saving Nature Tender













Lough Neagh Partnership Ltd. has secured funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to deliver the Lough Neagh Landscape Partnership (LNLP) Programme which aims to address the heritage needs of the Lough and its shoreline on a holistic integrated landscape basis. The Programme will deliver 27 projects that relate directly to the conservation of the Lough’s natural, cultural, and built heritage.

As part of the Lough Neagh Landscape Partnership’s Saving Nature programme the partnership wish to commission a Curlew Monitoring Officer (CMO) to work with us helping to deliver our nature conservation project working within the south west area of Lough Neagh.

The Lough Neagh Landscape Partnership alongside partners RSPB NI have identified the monitoring of the Breeding Curlew population in this area, as being an integral part of the Saving Nature project. The appointed person will help increase our understanding of how the Curlew are using this area, as well as engaging with the local community, and building a positive profile for Curlews in the area.

Curlew bathing in shallow pool, courtesy of Andy Hay/RSPB Images.












Tender Release date Friday 30th Nov. 2018

Deadline for Application Friday 21st Dec. 2018.


Please find attached a copy of the tender documents below:

PDF Format

CMO Tender PDF

Word Format

CMO Tender .Doc