This project aims to establish a new shoreline pathway (outside ASSI) from the historic Ardboe High Cross to the Battery Harbour. Ardboe High Cross (Irish: Seanchrois Ard Bó) is a high cross and national monument located in Ardboe, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. The cross stands at the entrance to a cemetery and a monastery and a church from the seventeenth century which was founded in 590 by Saint Colman, it seems to be the only such cross in Northern Ireland to remain largely complete and original. The purpose of the proposal is to provide car parking access to this ancient site and provide access along the shores of the Lough, making the area a better place to work and live and provide an opportunity for people to make a pilgrimage journey to the site. An impact assessment will be carried out to ensure compliance with scheduled monument, ASSI and SPA requirements.